Learn your lines.

Outloud – what’s your phone number?

If you know your lines so well you can reel them off like you just did your number, you will have done 95% of the acting work that is required of you.

Tell me that number again.

The other 5% of the work is what gets talked about in Oscar campaigns, and we can get to that after – but it’s mainly chalk.

Learn your friggin lines.

I used to think I learned my lines well. But I had been doing it wrong for almost 10 years. Now I try to know them as well as I know my own date of birth. 19th of shut the hell up.

Learn your lines, then learn them again. Then, start learning them. Then you are 50% of the way to arriving at a place where you can begin to learn them. Then you should actually learn them.

What’s that phone number again – this time please in a Scottish accent whilst imagining throwing your phone at the face of the person who’s closest in the room to you. Then slap your butt.

Learn your lines like you’ve known them your whole life.

Only once you’ve done that, can you start mucking about.

But don’t learn them for self tapes.

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